Drama is a powerful and popular art form. Drama invites us to explore and enjoy life, even as it provokes thought and introspection.
Westlake students are exposed to drama through our elementary performing arts and music curriculum. Seasonal programs and performances offer elementary students the opportunity to explore and develop their performance skills.
In middle school, Westlake students have the opportunity to hone their performance skills by choosing Drama as an elective. Students are exposed to the basic elements of drama, study its genres, and study classic works of the theater. Performance is a key element of the program. Students in our drama classes help visualize Biblical precepts as they perform monologues, dialogues, and skits in our chapels. In the Spring, the Drama Troupe performs a full musical theater production. Over the last several years, Westlake students have performed works such as: The Pilgrim's Progress, Peter Pan Jr., and Beauty and the Beast, Jr.