The Arts:
The school’s academic experience includes a well-developed arts program. Students explore art and music and develop an appreciation of the arts. Elementary school students are afforded the opportunity for art and music classes one time per week. These creative influences built into the school schedule offer students the chance to develop and hone their skills in artistic pursuits or music and drama. The school participates and has a history of recognition in a number of competitions where students submit their artwork for judging. Similarly, the students enjoy their participation in a variety of musical and drama productions throughout their time at Westlake Christian School. At the upper elementary school division, the third, fourth, and fifth grade students have the chance to participate in an Honors Choir where the emphasis is on performances at school as well as in the community.
Technology is an important part of an elementary school child’s week at Westlake. Beginning in kindergarten, students participate in a class, held in Westlake’s Computer Lab, with one of our instructors and begin the process of learning the technology skills necessary to excel in the 21st Century. Throughout their years in elementary school, students are equipped to use all Microsoft Office tools effectively and efficiently. The teachers who specialize in technology instruction work collaboratively with the classroom teachers to ensure students use their skills with their knowledge base in the content areas in an integrated fashion, leveraging both with high levels of competence. In addition to the dedicated Computer Lab time with the technology instructors, classroom teachers have the opportunity to avail their classes of extra lab time during the week.
Instrumental Music:
Westlake’s fourth and fifth grade students learn the basics of performing instrumental music in an ensemble-type setting two times each week. The students develop essential performance skills in note and rhythm reading, note reading, articulation and tone production. Our program includes both woodwinds and brass instruments, and our teachers use their expertise to assist students and their families in selecting the proper instrument upon which to learn.
Physical Education:
Physical education classes, paramount in the educational process, assist students in building skills and stimulating their growth. Students in elementary school are scheduled for Physical Education daily in grades K-2 and three times a week in grades 3-5. This class not only focuses upon skill building, but it also supports the concept of healthy living and physical activity as a choice that can be used throughout life.
Foreign Language:
Once a week, elementary school students in kindergarten through third grade have Mandarin Chinese language instruction. At this level, the curricular objective is one of introduction to the language and understanding of the culture.
Media Center:
Westlake’s Media Center services are designed to support the curriculum through teaching information literacy skills as well as to promote the value and joy of reading and life-long learning. Once each week, elementary school students meet the Media Center Specialist for a class on everything from learning research and literacy skills to developing and nurturing discussions on a chosen book and checking out desired materials.